Friday 1 July 2016

LO2: Mind Maps of Ideas

Product Ideas
 The above mind map shows ideas for the type of product I could include in my promotional package. I have decided to make a poster, flyer and ticket, as well as a T-shirt, mug and cap for merchandise. This is because I feel these pieces of merchandise have the room for me to place unique and interesting designs on them.

Potential Names
The above mind map shows potential names that I could use for my festival. It would take place in Sheffield, so I tried to create puns using the word "steel" for names.

In the end, I decided on the name "Steel Thunder". This is because the "steel" part of it relates to Sheffield, the "Steel City", while it also has connotations of strength, power and endurance, all classic elements of the rock/indie rock genre. The "thunder" section of the name has connotations of electricity, speed and power, which are also classic elements of the rock genre. Together, the two words create a name which sounds good and has many meanings.

Mood Board

Above is a mood board showing names and logos of other rock/indie rock festivals that have taken place. A common theme is that of a city, for example, "Sounds from the Suburbs" and "FirstCity Festival". Also, lighting bolts are used commonly, such as in the SunStock and Shaky Knees logos. This is because the lightning bolt is an icon of the rock genre, connoting energy, power and electricity. I will try to take inspiration from these logos when designing mine.

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