Tuesday 6 September 2016

LO2: Inspiration for my Own Work Presentation

Here is the feedback I got on my presentation from my teacher:

Positive: Fantastic to see you identifying uses of leading. These work very effectively at unpicking important information for the viewer as you have correctly identified. A broad range of products analysed provides you with a wealth of inspiration. A confident pitch delivered very professionally. Is there a way you could have encouraged the audience to ask you questions about what you discussed? E.g. using key terms or directing questions at them that would promote a group discussion?

Challenge: Combining leading, colour schemes, romantic capital letter font style using striking colours, white balance and borders into one graphic design product. Also how can this then be rolled out to other associated products in the range? How can you promote a sense of fun to the viewer through your product? Could you add a vintage edge like the Glastonbury poster has done by using vintage style motifs? Before posting your pitch onto your blog consider design consistency and using more interesting font styles for your titles. -When I pitched to the class, the fonts that are shown above were not shown to the class because they did not work on Windows (I made the presentation on Mac). Therefore the slides didn't look as good as the above slides.